JAKARTA - The Surabaya City Government has asked for the transportation of community service waste no more than a day before the commemoration of the 77th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, August 17, 2022.

"Of course we appreciate the awareness of Surabaya residents to participate in beautifying the environment and maintaining its cleanliness," said Deputy Mayor Armuji in Surabaya, Tuesday, August 2.

According to him, the Surabaya City Government is ready to welcome it by beautifying the corners of the city with red and white knick-knacks.

Not only that, residents in the villages welcomed the independence anniversary in August with various competitions, village decorations and community service.

The increase in the intensity of community service carried out by the residents has become the concern of Vice Mayor Armuji and the Surabaya City Government officials to anticipate.

For this reason, Armuji requested that the lurah and sub-district ranks carry out data collection on the villages that carry out the Augustan community service to be coordinated with the Environment Service and the Water Resources and Highways Agency (DSDABM) related to the transportation of community service waste.

"If the data is properly recorded, we are better prepared so that the route and time for dump trucks can be arranged. Don't let the waste from community service pile up for more than a day so that it disturbs the comfort of the residents," he said as quoted by Antara.

Armuji also mentioned that community service can also be done regularly, not just before August. He guaranteed that the Surabaya City Government would facilitate the disposal of community service waste and provide support to residents.

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