KUPANG - East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Police Chief Inspector General Setyo Budiyanto ensured firm action against fishermen who used fish bombs so as to have an impact on ecosystem damage in the waters of Komodo Island, West Manggarai Regency, Flores Island.

"We from the police have coordinated with the Prosecutor's Office and the NTT High Court to provide the maximum penalty applied to the perpetrators who are caught destroying the ecosystem in Komodo waters, thus providing a deterrent effect for others," said Police Chief Setyo Budiyanto in Kupang, quoted from Antara, Monday. , August 1st.

According to the identification carried out by the NTT Regional Police, the perpetrators who searched for fish by bombing and stealing animals on Komodo Island so far have come from other areas.

"The NTT Police will immediately coordinate with the NTB Police and the Bali Police to support them in helping trace parties carrying out activities and activities in Labuan Bajo. The police are also intensifying operations in the Labuan Bajo waters to anticipate fishing activities using explosives," asserted Kapolda.

According to him, the NTT Police together with the Indonesian Navy will immediately control the tourist ships operating in the waters of Labuan Bajo that are not seaworthy.

The control operation, said the two-star general, is so that all tourist boats operating in the waters of Labuan Bajo are seaworthy in order to provide a sense of security for every tourist who comes to visit Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Regency, Flores Island.

"Ships must be equipped with all the specified safety facilities such as buoys so that tourists are safe while sailing. Passenger safety is the main thing for every tourist ship," said Setyo Budiyanto.

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