JAKARTA - A special team (timsus) of the National Police held a ballistic test at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house, which is the scene of the death of Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. The goal is to find out the angle and distance of shooting.

"The first thing to know is the angle of the shot, the second is the distance of the shot," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Monday, August 1.

Then, in the ballistic test involving Inafis, the Forensic Laboratory, and investigators from the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the National Police and the Polda Metro Jaya, the focus was on the number of shots fired.

Originally, Brigadier J died because of a shootout with Bharada RE.

In that incident, Bharada RE used a Glock pistol with a 17-round magazine. A total of 5 bullets were fired by Bharada E and hit Brigadier J.

Meanwhile, Brigadier J is said to have used an HS pistol with a magazine containing 16 bullets. In that bloody incident, he fired 7 bullets but none of them hit Bharada E.

"The third is the distribution of shots that are being investigated by Labfor," said Dedi.

In an effort to investigate this case, the Police have carried out several investigative steps. One of them is the process of exhumation and re-autopsy of the body of Brigadier J.

A re-autopsy was carried out because there was a request from the family who believed there was an element of premeditated murder behind the case. The autopsy process on Brigadier J's body will be carried out at the Sungai Bahar Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Muaro Jambi.

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