JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), Puan Maharani, highlighted the modus operandi of fraud that befell Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in Cambodia. There have been 62 PMIs who have been rescued from being held captive in Cambodia by fraud syndicates.

"We appreciate the government's steps that have succeeded in rescuing dozens of Indonesians in Cambodia who came to work but were forced to commit fraud by online scammers", said Puan, Monday, August 1 in her official statement.

The PMIs who were rescued from a location in Sihanoukville, Cambodia were forced to commit fraud by offering fake investments to Indonesians. They were initially promised formal work with a sizable salary.

When they refuse to commit fraud, the PMIs receive inhumane treatment. They also did not get a salary while working in Cambodia and could not leave because their passports were confiscated.

Puan encourages the Government to explore new patterns of human trafficking by recruiting Indonesian migrant workers so that cases like this can be prevented early on.

"New modes of human trafficking under the pretext of working abroad are increasingly widespread. Anticipatory and preventive measures must be maximized, especially for recruitment through the online system", said Puan.

Puan asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with relevant agencies to continue to search for victims. This is because PMI who are victims of trafficking in persons like that are still possible to continue to grow.

"It is estimated that there are still many similar victims and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not recorded it. Because we also received reports that there are still many other PMI groups who need help in Cambodia because they are placed scattered by fraud syndicates", said Puan.

Currently, the 62 Indonesian citizens who have been rescued have been transferred to the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh from Sihanoukville to Phnom Penh and will receive psychological counseling. They will also undergo an examination based on the Victim Identification Screening Form/Indicated Victim of TIP (Trafficking in Persons) before being repatriated to Indonesia.

The DPR hopes that the victims of trafficking in persons will be immediately returned to the country. Puan also reminded us that PMI who had been rescued from fraudulent syndicates should get adequate accommodation and facilities.

“Cross-border cooperation must also be increased. And of course carry out strict law enforcement to the perpetrators of PMI recruiters in the country, "he said.

"With good cooperation with Cambodia, we can encourage these syndicates to get the punishment they deserve. In addition, prevention efforts can also be maximized", continued Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also encouraged the Government and related agencies to investigate various cases of trafficking in persons under the guise of an online labor recruitment system. Puan assessed that Indonesia had experienced a Human Trafficking Emergency because of the many bad events that had befallen PMI.

“Human trafficking syndicates exist in many countries, including Indonesia itself. They take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused many people to lose their jobs, thus increasing the vulnerability of migrant workers to become victims of trafficking in persons", she said.

"The National Police also need to intensify searches in the digital world because many fraudulent syndicates recruit by utilizing technological advances", added Puan.

The case of fraud in Cambodia by an online company Scammer is known to be not the first time this has happened. In 2020 and 2021 there have also been similar cases, even the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) has also thwarted the departure of several potential victims of fraud.

“We must be able to save our citizens from the practice of human trafficking. Fraud cases like this occur because of a lack of education from the government", she said.

"The central and local governments must be proactive in socializing the legal migrant worker recruitment system to job seekers", said Puan.

Based on the results of Migrant Care's research, human trafficking syndicates usually target areas with high unemployment rates, many migrant workers, and of productive age. Puan encourages the Government to optimize the implementation of Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

“Massive socialization of the prevention of human trafficking to the villages. Make sure the public understands PMI's legal departure procedures and information about the risks if they depart via informal channels", she said.

"And thoroughly investigate the brokers and elements involved in the illegal PMI recruitment fraud syndicate", concluded Puan.

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