JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate emphasized that electronic system operators (PSE) must register. People don't have to worry about their personal data on certain sites being misused after registration is done.

Johnny said that instead of misuse, personal data on the registered PSE site will be protected.

"This registration is not related to the personal data of PSE customers but is related to basic data and contact persons, addresses and contact persons of the electronic system operator, which in case of problems the government can carry out its duties in providing protection for the rights of the community," said Johnny. told reporters at the KPU Office, Jalan Imam Bonjol, South Jakarta, Monday, August 1.

Not only that, the obligation to register is also aimed at PSE protecting their customers' personal data. Including, data belonging to Indonesian citizens so as not to be misused.

Johnny invites sites that have not registered as PSE to do so immediately. The Ministry of Communication and Information has even opened assistance services for those in difficulty.

"Kominfo has prepared a helpdesk manually to help. Hopefully this will all go well," he said.

It didn't stop there, Johnny also said that his party had heard input from netizens who recently criticized the ministry's move to block a number of sites because they had not registered. According to him, the criticism submitted is a complement for the Kemenkominfo.

"I am grateful for the opinions of netizens and at the same time invite netizens together with us, the community, observers, NGOs, and the media to encourage PSEs operating in Indonesia to carry out their obligations to follow the laws in Indonesia," said Johnny.

"This registration is not a permit and is done very simply," he continued.

As previously reported, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics has blocked a number of sites and services since last Saturday, July 29 because they did not register as PSE in Indonesia. Those blocked are Yahoo Search, Paypal, to online gaming services Steam, Dota 2, Counter-Strike Global Offensive and digital distribution platform Origin.

However, due to protests from netizens, the Ministry of Communication and Information has blocked a number of services. Including PayPal which is commonly used for transactions.

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