JAKARTA - Banten Police Chief Inspector General Rudy Heriyanto emphasized to his staff to eradicate online and conventional gambling.

"I have ordered the Polda Satker together with the Resort Police to carry out the eradication of all forms of gambling, both online and conventional gambling, down to its roots at the Banten Police," said Inspector General Rudi, Saturday, July 30.

Inspector General Rudy emphasized that his party would apply criminal articles as regulated in the Money Laundering Law.

"To provide a deterrent effect on bookies, so that investigators apply criminal articles as regulated in the Money Laundering Law," he said.

In eradicating this gambling practice, the Banten Police promised to be indiscriminate and would take action against anyone involved without exception, including Polri personnel.

"Police members who are proven to be directly or indirectly involved with the practice of gambling, should take action either through criminal law procedures, discipline and the Police Professional Code of Ethics," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Shinto Silitonga, asked for public participation in eradicating gambling practices.

"Evaluations continue to be carried out to see the implementation of this order from the Regional Police Chief in the field. Of course we motivate the public to actively participate in informing all forms of gambling to be followed up with legal action," said Kombes Shinto.

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