JAKARTA - The Ki Ageng Pengging Cemetery Complex - from land to buildings - at Jalan Ngagel Number 87 Surabaya City, East Java, on Friday, was donated to the Surabaya City Government.

The handover procession at the funeral complex was marked by the signing of a grant and the signing of an inscription by the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, together with representatives of the Ki Ageng Pengging family, Raden Erwin P. Sosrokusumo.

"We express our gratitude to Raden Erwin who has donated this cemetery complex to the Surabaya City Government," said Mayor Eri, Friday, July 29, quoted from Antara.

Once submitted, the municipal government will carry out repairs in the cemetery complex.

"Moreover, he (Ki Ageng Pengging) is one of the founders of the city of Surabaya. Without his presence, without his struggle, it is impossible for Surabaya to be formed. So, this should get the attention of the Surabaya City Government," said Eri.

Actually, it is not only the funeral of Ki Ageng Pengging that gets the attention of the Surabaya City Government. There are still several graves of scholars and ancestors in Surabaya which is also a concern of the city government, so that several of the cemeteries have been repaired, including Mbah Benowo's funeral.

"I did that because Surabaya has become great, Surabaya has become prosperous because of the prayers of the pious and ulemas, as well as the guardians in Surabaya. They are people who really have clean hearts and continue to pray for the people. the city of Surabaya," he said.

Mayor Eri also explained that his visit to Ki Ageng Pengging's funeral was not the first.

Eri, before becoming the mayor of Surabaya, when he was still the Head of Cipta Karya, had asked permission from the caretaker of the tomb and his family to carry out repairs at the Ki Ageng Pengging cemetery complex.

"At that time I said that if Surabaya wanted to feel comfortable and peaceful, then the graves of the guardians and the graves of the ancestors of Surabaya must be repaired, so that at that time they were immediately repaired, and thank God they are now nice and tidy," he said.

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