JAKARTA - Transportation Observer from the Indonesian Transportation Society, Djoko Setijowarno, assessed that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has not been able to properly organize bicycle lanes, despite being awarded the 2021 Suistainable Transport Award (STA).

"Bicycle lanes still need to ensure safety and comfort for bicycle users. Now, bicycle lanes are not safe, this is still DKI Jakarta's homework that has not been completed," said Djoko in a written statement, Thursday, November 12.

Then, Djoko assessed that online motorcycle taxis waiting for passengers were still chaotic. The sidewalks that have been revitalized are still occupied by street vendors (PKL).

"For example in the Tanah Abang area. Even though a replacement trading area has been made, the clutter on the sidewalks which are full of street vendors is difficult to control as before," said Djoko.

Apart from the problem of bicycle lanes, Djoko questioned the clarity of the electronic road pricing (ERP) plan. ERP has been initiated since the governor of the last period. However, until now the program has not materialized.

In fact, it can replace the odd-even system. Because according to him, odd-even does not contribute less to overcoming traffic jams on the road.

"Odd-even makes residents tend to buy motorized vehicles with different vehicle number plates. There are also attempts to counterfeit motor vehicle number plates for those who are not yet able to buy a motorized vehicle," he said.

Previously, Anies said that Jakarta was awarded the STA 2021 award. This annual award was given to cities that have shown commitment, political will, and vision in the fields of sustainable transportation and urban development.

"I am also proud of Jakarta's achievement in increasing integrated transportation innovation. This is a reminder that we must continue to strive to improve existing transportation services, so that the comfort of residents in transportation is guaranteed," said Anies.

In the past year, said Anies, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, BUMD, and Jakarta transportation stakeholders have succeeded in presenting various innovations to improve the quality of transportation in Jakarta.

Among other things, the expansion of lanes and the addition of bicycle facilities, the revitalization of bus stops and sidewalks, the arrangement of pedestrian facilities in the villages, and the integration of various modes of public transportation.

"STA 2021 is a victory for the citizens of Jakarta, due to collaboration with residents, transportation activists for wayfinding design, electric bus innovation, and AC microtrans," said Anies.

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