SEMARANG - The Semarang Customs and Excise Service and Supervision Office has thwarted the shipment of 222 bales of imported used clothing sent by sea.

"We are cooperating with Pontianak Customs and Excise, receiving reports that hundreds of bales of imported used clothing from Kalimantan have entered the ship," said Head of the Semarang Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office, Sucipto, as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 27.

However, he did not explain the origin of the imported goods which were not accompanied by the import documents.

Hundreds of bales of used clothes were then confiscated when they arrived at the domestic terminal of Semarang's Tanjung Emas Port. "That is indeed prohibited. Violations when entering the country," he said.

He explained that when the illegally imported products have entered and circulated, the Ministry of Trade will ban them.

The hundreds of bales of used clothes were then destroyed along with various state property resulting from the crackdown over the past few months.

It was recorded that 1,592,332 illegal cigarettes, 3,900 grams of sliced tobacco, and 358.37 liters of alcoholic beverages of various brands with a value of up to Rp. 2.9 billion were also destroyed.

The various types of illegal products, he continued, had obtained approval from the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance to be destroyed.

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