JAKARTA - Komnas HAM is continuing its investigation to obtain facts regarding the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Joshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J after summoning Bharada E and aide Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

The plan, tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday, July 27, Komnas HAM will examine digital forensics and cyber to strengthen the evidence from the results of the previous examination.

"Tomorrow we will check for digital forensics and cyber. What is the connection? Digital is for checking all CCTV, and cyber is for checking all cellphones and communications," said Komnas HAM Commissioner Choirul Anam in his office, Tuesday, July 26.

Anam said Komnas HAM would summon the forensic laboratory and the National Police to ask for information regarding these two matters. The examination is scheduled for 13.00 WIB.

"We are still calling them tomorrow. From Labfor and from the Police. Tomorrow starts at 1 o'clock," he said.

If the investigation process is complete and conclusions can be drawn, said Anam, then Komnas HAM will report it to President Joko Widodo and hand it over to the police.

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