JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PAN faction, Zita Anjani, disagrees if the location of the Citayam Fashion Week (CFW) is moved from the zebra crossing in the Dukuh Atas area, Central Jakarta.

The discourse of moving the CFW was previously expressed by the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria.

"I don't agree (the location of the CFW being moved). Why? It's not our right to move it because this is a natural phenomenon. If they want to move, they can," said Zita when met at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Tuesday, July 26.

In fact, Zita suggested that the CFW location would also be held in other areas such as the BKT area, East Jakarta or PIK, North Jakarta. However, CFW activities in Dukuh Atas continue to alternate.

"We can facilitate, for example on Friday at SCBD (Dukuh Atas), Saturday at BKT, then at PIK, for example. But we can't force it, we can only facilitate it," he said.

Zita said that she had visited and participated in showing off her style during a CFW with "SCBD" teenagers (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojonggede, Depok) on Saturday, July 23.

The impression obtained is that the CFW event has two sides in terms of impact. On the positive side, there is economic growth. However, on the negative side, the Sudirman area becomes chaotic.

"There is a positive side and a negative side. The positives are that all MSMEs are growing, coffee shops, restaurant shops, street vendors, everything that was quiet was very busy. So, the wheels of the economy are turning," said Zita.

"But there are negatives. It is a bit dirty, there are also many minors. That is the record. But we as representatives of the people must be fair in facilitating," he continued.

PHOTO: DOK Instagram zitaanjani

Previously, the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, viewed that the current CFW at the pedestrian crossing in the Sudirman area was inappropriate because the number of people participating was booming.

"Because everyone was very enthusiastic, people wanted to know, then the number exploded. Because the numbers were so large, what happened? So many people parked on sidewalks, bicycle lanes. Then, people couldn't walk, it was closed," said Riza at DKI Jakarta City Hall. , Monday, July 25.

Riza said that there were several locations where the proposal for moving the location of the CFW came from the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria.

Riza said that there are several locations that SCBD teenagers (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojonggede, Depok) can use to hold a CFW. Among them are the National Monument (Monas) and the Banteng Field Park.

"I suggest it could be at Monas, in the southern plaza area, which is new. You can sit there, there is a tribune. The place is spacious. Second, the Banteng Field Park, it is also spacious and cool," said Riza.

In addition to these two locations, Riza also saw that the Kota Tua, Senayan, and Kemayoran areas could also be CFW locations.

Now, the DKI Provincial Government is considering the most suitable locations for the fashion show. The community, he said, could participate in proposing other locations.

"Friends, please suggest what is cooler. I understand, friends there want a strategic, easily accessible place. So, we appreciate appreciating it, but we will still look for solutions," he said.

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