JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman appreciated and gave awards to the Semarang Police Chief, Kombes Irwan Anwar and the 0733 Kodim Commander (Dandim) of Semarang City, Lt. Col. Honi Havana.

This award was given following the revelation of the shooting case of the wife of a TNI member in Semarang some time ago.

During the award presentation at the Central Java Police Headquarters in Semarang, KSAD Dudung appreciated the rapid disclosure of the case. Overall, there are 50 members of the Semarang Polrestabes and 24 members of Kodam IV/Diponegoro who are members of the joint team to disclose the case.

"A tribute to the police in particular who reacted quickly with the Army Team," he said in Semarang, Antara, Monday, July 25.

Disclosure of the criminal act of attempted murder, he continued, is a form of solidity between the TNI/Polri.

As for Kopda M, the husband of the shooting victim Rina Wulandari, who is suspected of being the mastermind of the attempted murder, Dudung has ordered to pursue the person concerned.

"I invite Danpuspom AD if there is a possibility that the person concerned is no longer in Java," he said.

The Army Chief of Staff stressed that he would punish any TNI member who violated the rules with the most severe punishment. "I have ordered the chase in the shortest possible time so that they are immediately caught," he said.

Rina Wulandari (34), the wife of a TNI member, was shot by an unknown person in front of her house, Jalan Cemara III, Banyumanik, Semarang City. The wife of a member of Yonarhanud 15, Kopda M, was shot twice in the stomach.

In revealing the attempted murder of Rina Wulandari, the police arrested four perpetrators suspected of being hired killers in the incident.

In addition, one perpetrator is a supplier of firearms along with four items used for shooting executions.

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