JAYAPURA - In order to prevent the occurrence of criminal acts, the Jayawijaya Police, Papua held raids in three different locations simultaneously. Dozens of sharp weapons were confiscated.

The three locations targeted for the raid were the Lantipo T-junction, Potikelek and the Pikhe Wamena T-junction. Police check residents who carry sharp weapons, liquor, stolen vehicles or other dangerous objects

The Head of Ops of Jayawijaya Police, AKP FD Tamaela, who directly led the raid, said the police confiscated 28 sharp weapons, 18 motorcycles with 2 motorcycles that had a police report, 1 bottle of liquor, lighter pistol and 2 firearms ammunition.

“We carried out this activity related to the existence of issues in the community related to the demonstration that disturbed the community. To anticipate this and provide a sense of security for the community, we from the Jayawijaya Police, assisted by Brimob colleagues, carried out raids to anticipate things that were not desirable," said the Head of Ops, quoted from a written statement by the Papua Police Public Relations, Sunday, July 24.

Regarding the discovery of two rounds of firearm ammunition and a lighter model of a pistol, the resident with the initials YW (23) has been taken to the Jayawijaya Police for further investigation.

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