MEDAN - The Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu), Edy Rahmayadi, welcomed the awarding of the national hero SM Amin Nasution from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

The governor, Edy, asked the public to emulate the attitude of SM Amin who loved and fought for independence from colonialism both in his youth and as governor.

"That is what we will study, raise and give to all our children, as an encouragement for motivation, for how our children fill their independence," said Edy to reporters, Tuesday, November 10.

According to the Governor of Edy, SM Amin is the 12th national hero from North Sumatra. Currently, his party will propose 8 names of candidates for national heroes.

"There are approximately 8 that we will submit, I cannot convey them here at this time. Because there is a need for scientific studies of seminars and we will submit them to the national level," he said.

Governor Edy invited all people, especially youth to continue to fill independence by doing positive things.

SM Amin Nasution was born in Aceh on February 22, 1904. Since young SM Amin has been involved as an activist during the struggle for Indonesian independence.

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