JAKARTA - The Head of the Public Relations Division (Kadiv) of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, explained about the CCTV camera being investigated by the Police investigator team.

According to him, the CCTV found by investigators was CCTV outside the crime scene (TKP).

"Investigators have found CCTV along the path of the crime scene. CCTV from Magelang to the crime scene here has been found by investigators," said Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to the media crew at the scene, Saturday, July 23.

Dedi said, there are still circulating in some media that say that the CCTV was damaged then why was another CCTV found.

"I need to clarify, to my media friends not to be prejudiced anymore so that speculation arises again, it will make this problem unclear," he said.

"The CCTV that was damaged according to what the South Jakarta Police Chief said was the CCTV at the scene," he added.

Meanwhile, the CCTV along the way from Magelang to the TKP is currently still in the process of being examined by Labfor.

"Labfor is still in the process of checking to clarify and match the time. Calibration is to match the time, because CCTV and real time have to be the same. So I ask my colleagues to straighten it out so they don't abuse the information later," he said.

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