JAKARTA - Leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muhammad Rizieq Shihab arrived at his residence on Jalan Petamburan III, Central Jakarta. From the top of the car, Rizieq Shihab made a call to his followers.

Through loudspeakers, Rizieq invited his followers to carry out a moral revolution. He wants the masses to fight injustice.

"Starting from today, we have a moral revolution. All those who are disobedient become obedient, we destroy all injustice. The moral revolution will take us from lying to honesty. The moral revolution will bring us to a mandate," said Rizieq Shihab at the location, Tuesday, 10 November

According to Rizieq, God's help brought him back to Indonesia, after 3 years of living in Saudi Arabia. Rizieq said that there was no more force that could prevent him from returning to Indonesia.

"Alhamdulillah, with the help of Allah, finally today we can gather again in the country. If Allah has shown that we must return, no force can prevent us," said Rizieq.

"My return is none other than the wish to regroup to Indonesia, to fight back together. My return invites a moral revolution to save the Republic of Indonesia," Rizieq Shihab continued.

Rizieq Shihab arrived at his residence in Petamburan, Central Jakarta at around 13:20 WIB. Before entering Jalan KS Tubun, the crowd lined up awaiting Rizieq's arrival.

Some of them lifted their cell phones up high to record Rizieq's arrival. Some of them climbed the railing of the house to the bus stop.

Firecrackers exploded before Rizieq's arrival. The sound of singing selawat accompanied by tambourine music was blared. The Islamic Defenders Army (LPI) is preparing to form a line to open the road for the motorcade that Rizieq Shihab is carrying.

The crowd of supporters shouted to welcome Rizieq. They waved to Rizieq. From the top of the car, Rizieq also waved back in all directions. The son-in-law, Hanif Alatas, appeared beside Rizieq.

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