JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Audie S Latuheru asked the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) mass waiting along the corner of Jalan Letjen S Parman to Jalan KS Tubun, not to burn firecrackers or fireworks when welcoming the return of FPI leader Rizieq Shihab.

"Soon the high priest will be present, so please open the road, assist the security forces, so that no one will set off firecrackers so that he can pass safely and comfortably without being disturbed," said Audie in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 10.

In addition, Dandim 0503 / JB Colonel Inf Dadang Ismail Marzuki asked the masses to maintain order, and to open a path for motorists passing from Jalan Letjen S Parman heading towards Pejompongan.

"I asked my brother for help to maintain order. Let us protect security together, so that the road that the high priest will take runs smoothly," said Dadang.

The crowd around Jalan Lt. Gen. S Parman answered the appeal, then they returned to chanting salawat.

Previously, a mass of sympathizers of Rizieq Shihab started burning firecrackers when the sound of ambulance sirens approached the Slipi area leading to Petamburan, Palmerah, West Jakarta.

One of the sympathizers shouted that the crowd who were there to open the road did not obstruct the ambulance.

Meanwhile the crowd thought the siren sound was a car carrying Rizieq, and when it approached it turned out to be a corpse ambulance.

Then the firecrackers used to welcome Rizieq burned out. Some even burned red flare guns as a sign of Rizieq's presence.

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