TERNATE - The Ternate Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, North Maluku (Malut) conducted a search for two fishermen who were declared missing for two days around the waters of Morotai Island. in the waters of Morotai, the joint SAR team immediately coordinated with relevant agencies and dispatched the Morotai SAR Alert Unit Rescue Team to LKP to conduct a search. waters of Bere-Bere village, Morotai Island. According to him, two fishermen from Maba Village, Morotai Island have reportedly not returned from fishing since going out to sea on July 21, 2022 and the report was received by the Ternate Basarnas Office through the Morotai SAR Alert Unit on Friday at around 09.05 WIT Fathur added, according to the chronological report received, on July 21, 2022 at 05.00 WIT, the two victims went fishing for Tuna but until now have not returned home. The family and the community have searched but have not found the two victims so they reported it to Basarnas.

Previously, the Basarnas team also searched for two fishermen named Hasim Abdullah and Djulfikar Ahsan who were reported missing in the waters of Morotai Island. he, the two victims went out to fish in the rompong waters of Morotai last weekend, then on the way home the two victims and the fisherman from Totodoku Village, Salim together to return to Morotai but until now the two victims have not arrived in Morotai. , the Basarnas team since 10.30 WIT, through the Morotai SAR Standby Rescue Team, moved to LKP by using a rubber boat to carry out search operations. distance traveled 27 Nm.

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