JAKARTA - E-sports athlete Winda Lunardi or Winda Earl, a customer of PT Maybank Indonesia Tbk, was disappointed by the statement of Maybank's attorney who said that the flow of funds for breaching an account worth Rp22.9 billion was also received by his father.

Furthermore, Winda emphasized that his family did not know anything about the transfer of funds from his account to another account. He said he was just an ordinary customer who saved at the bank.

"I was quite hurt when I heard that my father's rich statement was carried around, I said that there was interest money transferred to my father. Meanwhile, yes, we all don't know. I am just an ordinary customer who is saving money. So here I am, really, really. how about it, disappointed yes, annoyed yes, "said Winda, Jakarta, Monday night, November 9.

Winda also commented on the statement of Maybank Indonesia's attorney, Hotman Paris, who said that there was a flow of funds to the personal account of Winda's father, Herman Gunardi, worth IDR4.8 billion, which was discovered based on the investigation by Maybank Indonesia's legal team through account mutations.

He emphasized that his father worked lawfully by obeying the existing law. He also guaranteed that there was no cooperation between his father and the Head of the Maybank Cipulir Branch inisal A, who has now been named a suspect.

"So far, my father's business has been lawful, always obeying the law, it needs to be underlined. So there is no way, I guarantee there is no possible cooperation between my father and the suspect," he said.

He also said that he had never received a savings book and an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) card since opening an account at Maybank Indonesia. At that time, the type of savings that Winda and her family opened was a checking account.

Winda assessed that the transaction reports that Maybank gave to Winda as the current account holder were considered safe. This is because the financial transaction data (income) is recorded in the checking account that he holds.

"The type of savings that I opened was a checking account. So regarding ATMs, savings books, we never got it from the start when we opened an account. So when my mother and I opened an account, we never got an ATM card, we didn't get the savings book. ever got it, "he said.

However, Winda said, since February, he and his family began to be suspicious of transaction data in the checking accounts they held. Since then, the family has asked for an explanation from the bank management to clarify these indications.

Furthermore, Winda said that when he submitted the report and asked for an explanation, he actually received the letter that had been resolved.

The suspicion continued until the Esport Athlete learned that Rp.22.9 billion in funds had disappeared when her mother, Floletta Lizzy Wiguna, wanted to take some of the funds. As a result, of Rp. 22.9 billion, only Rp. 600,000 was left.

"I just found out that this problem only arose when my mother wanted to take money but the money was not there. I wanted to request a transfer from 2015 to the current period when I was told that I had to have an ATM card, so finally I made an ATM card," he said.

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Previously, the attorney for Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk (BNII) Hotman Paris Hutapea gave an explanation regarding the return of the lost money from Winda eSport Winda Lunardi or Winda Earl and her mother, Floleta, which amounted to Rp. 22.9 billion. He stated that the return was waiting for the trial process.

Furthermore, Hotman said, this decision was taken because he wanted this case to be clear and at the same time to prove who was guilty in the case of the disappearance of money belonging to Winda Earl and Floleta at Bank Maybank.

In practice, Hotman said, there were several irregularities that the legal team found. Among these are the practices of banks within the bank carried out by suspects who are suspected of involving customers.

Then, the flow of funds released from Winda's account by suspect A amounted to IDR 6 billion to discuss the insurance policy. Then, back in the amount of Rp. 4.8 billion but through Winda's father's account in the name of Herman Gunardi.

"Maybank is a large bank, it is not difficult to pay this kind of money. But it cannot be held accountable to the center if the irregularities are not resolved. It will be returned when it is clear who was involved," he said, in a virtual press conference, Monday, November 9.

Hotman said, this case was not a burglary case in general which only involved a single perpetrator, so that the bank could replace customer funds. Given that this is a public fund, said Hotman, there needs to be further research regarding the parties that receive the flow of funds.

Furthermore, Hotman said, the National Police Headquarters had said that all those who received the money would be investigated, if they did not want to replace them, they would be made suspects.

"Outside the branch manager, it looks like someone else. That's why we ask the Police Headquarters for all the people who receive this money to be investigated and made suspects. There are 8 that should be examined, these are not yet," he said.

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