JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya investigators have not planned an examination of Gisella Anastasia (Gisel) regarding immoral videos on social media that are similar to Gading Martin's ex-husband.

"Will those who are almost similar to (Gisel) be summoned, while walking? There must be questions, right," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Jakarta, Monday, November 9.

According to Yusri, currently his party is focusing on targeting people who distribute immoral videos. After everything was checked, he said, only the party linked, namely Gisel, was examined.

"We are still investigating first. We are gathering evidence, information including later linguists and ITE experts who will be summoned, after completing the case title," said Yusri.

Yusri said, today his party has scheduled an examination of the reporting party. "The video report that resembles sister G, who is a public figure, is being investigated by PMJ's crimes. Today it is being investigated and will clarify the reporters and witnesses," he said.

The articles that are presumed in the report are Article 27 in conjunction with Article 45 in the ITE Law and Article 8 in conjunction with Article 34 of Law Number 44 Year 2008 concerning pornography.

Yusri previously said that his party was investigating eight social media accounts that uploaded immoral videos similar to singer Gisella Anastasia (Gisel). They were reported for spreading content deemed damaging to Indonesia's younger generation.

Just to note, Gisel had previously spoken about this case. However, he admitted that he was confused about giving comments. Because, cases like this have happened and it was not him.

"I'm confused about how to clarify the problem because it's not the first time it hit me. So it's actually sad too. It's just okay to face it," said Gisel.

The rest of Gisel was reluctant to comment. Gisel just asked everyone to pray for what happened to him.

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