JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has received an audience from the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) which held a demonstration in front of the DKI Jakarta City Hall building today.

During their hearing, this labor group urged DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to appeal the decision of the Jakarta Administrative Court which lowered the provincial minimum wage (UMP) from Rp.4.6 million to Rp.4.5 million per month.

Secretary of the Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency (Disnakertansgi) Hedy Wijaya admitted that his party had not yet decided whether to comply with the workers' wishes to file an appeal or not.

"They only support the Governor for an appeal. We will review it later with the team. Later we will give input to the Governor how. That's all," said Hedy at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Wednesday, July 20.

However, Hedy ensured that Anies would issue a decision to fight back or comply with the PTUN's decision regarding the reduction of the DKI UMP by revoking Governor's Decree Number 1517 of 2021, when the deadline for submitting an appeal expires.

"The point is this. After July 29, what is the governor's decision like, whether the governor wants to appeal or not, the important thing is that we will provide input to the governor," he said.

Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta KSPI Regional Representative, Winarso, said that his party asked the DKI Provincial Government to determine the time for submitting an appeal regarding the PTUN decision or not before the deadline for submitting an appeal on July 29.

If Anies and his staff decide not to appeal and comply with the PTUN's decision to lower the Jakarta UMP nominal, Winarso threatens that the labor group will hold demonstrations again.

"We will try to have another dialogue with the Legal Bureau, stating whether to appeal or not. If that doesn't happen, we will come here again with our friends from the mass action," said Winarso.

Winarso then explained why his party urged Anies to appeal. According to him, the PTUN decision was felt by the workers to be unfounded because the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) as the plaintiff in the UMP case did not represent any company.

"This means that only Apindo is suing. Of course this will greatly affect the economy for the workers," said Winarso.

Meanwhile, Winarso views Anies' policy of increasing wages by 5.1 percent from last year to Rp4.64 million based on a fairly mature study. This is because Anies had previously held a dialogue with representatives of employers and workers.

"I think the Governor is also conducting dialogue or communication with private parties or companies affected by the UMP. So, in our opinion, what figures have been set by the Governor are very well-founded and have been through in-depth studies," he explained.

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