JAKARTA - The defendant in a case of alleged gratification in the processing of a fatwa at the Supreme Court (MA), prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari, lobbied Rahmat not to divulge his going to Malaysia to meet Joko Tjandra.

This effort was made when Rahmat was about to undergo examination as a witness at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) regarding the alleged bribery case.

The Pinangki lobbying process took place on August 10. Rahmat said that at that time the defendant had contacted him and asked about the schedule for the examination.

Then, Pinangki continued Rahmat, calling him to his house. But Rahmat refused.

"At that time August Pinangki asked me 'have you been summoned yet Jampidsus? You will be summoned later. I'll go to your house', I said no," said Rahmat during a trial at the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, 9 November.

Hearing the rejection, Pinangki actually said that he would come to Rahmat's office to meet. Until finally the two of them met the next day at around 10.00 WIB. But their meeting did not take place at Rahmat's office. The two of them talked in Pinangki's car.

"Later, there is a white Vellfire to pick you up and around, I (Pinangki) will wait in the lobby to come out. I (Rahmat) went to the car driving BNu Pinangki's husband," said Rahmat.

In the car, Pinangki called Rahmat directed himself to give testimony according to Pinangki's wishes. In fact, a cellphone belonging to Rahmat was given to Pinangki so that all traces of communication between the two were not uncovered.

"Then at 3 shophouses from my office (the car) stopped there, Pinangki said that in Pidsus, don't forget it is in accordance with the (field) of supervision," he said.

Previously, Pinangki was said to have directed Rahmat's answer when questioned by the Deputy Attorney General for Supervision (Jamwas) at the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

The examination was related to Pinangki's departure abroad without the knowledge of his superiors.

Inspected by Jamwas, Pinangki asked me to tell Malaysia about business, "said Rahmat.

In Pinangki's briefing, Rahmat was asked to explain the business in question regarding Steam Power Plants (PLTU). In fact, he did not understand anything about it.

"To Malaysia to discuss PLTU with a businessman under the name Joe Chan," he said.

Rahmat said he followed Pinangki's directions when he was examined. The reason was, they were convinced that everything was taken care of by Pinangki.

"Ibu Pinangki said that because of this Rahmat has been conditioned," he said.

But finally Rahmat told the truth. This statement was made during an examination at the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the AGO.

"After I thought, as a Muslim, I should not lie, so I give real testimony," he said.

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