JAKARTA - Karo Paminal of the Propam Division, Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, was said to have forbade the family to open the coffin of Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. Polri denied the information.

"It is not true that there is a prohibition (forbidding opening the coffin, ed)," said the Main Investigator of the National Police Propam Division, Kombes Leonardo Simatupang, when confirmed, Wednesday, July 20.

According to him, Karo Paminal only met his family during the funeral procession. Therefore, it was impossible for Brigadier General Hendra to forbid the family from opening the coffin.

The one-star general's meeting with Brigadier J's family was said to be limited to discussing the funeral procession. It was also discussed about the request for mutation of Brigadier LL, which incidentally is the younger brother of Brigadier J.

"Karo Paminal came after the body was buried, and even then because of requests from the family to explain the chronology, requests for the ceremony and the mutation of his sister so that she asked for complete assistance, that's all," said Leo.

Leo confirmed that he was the one who led the handover of the body to the family. Therefore, it is certain that there is no prohibition against the family of Brigadier J.

"I was never there to forbid opening the chest, because it's not good for the family to see, we have family too," said Leo.

Previously, Brigadier J's family urged the Head of the Internal Security Bureau (Karo Paminal) Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan to be removed. This is because he was deemed to have acted inappropriately.

Karo Paminal is considered to have violated the principle of justice. He is said to have forbade the family to open the casket of Brigadier J.

"Karo Paminal must be replaced because he is part of the problem and part of all the problems that arise because he is the one who sent the bodies and put pressure on the family to (forbid, ed) open the coffin," said Brigadier J's family attorney, Johnson Pandjaitan.

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