MEDAN - The Medan Polrestabes Satreskrim team together with the Medan Helvetia Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested the perpetrator of the criminal act of sexually assaulting a 20-year-old woman.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Medan Polrestabes Kompol Teuku Fathir Mustafa said the sexual harassment was carried out by Muhammad Fadli Gunawan (31) on Sunday, July 17 afternoon at Jalan Pembangunan, Medan Helvetia. The indecent act of the perpetrator was caught on CCTV cameras and went viral on social media.

"The perpetrator carried out his actions by riding a Supra X BK 5050 AFE motorbike and pretending to ask the location of a hotel for a female victim, then the perpetrator touched the victim's vital organs," said Police Commissioner Teuku Fathir Mustafa, quoted from a written statement, Wednesday, July 20. .

Regarding the incident, the victim then reported to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Medan Police Satreskrim on Monday, July 18.

"Based on the victim's report, the perpetrator was then detained by officers while he was on Jalan Pembangunan," continued Kompol Fathir.

From the results of the examination, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit continued, the perpetrator admitted that he had sexually harassed just for fun.

"The perpetrator admitted that it was the first time, his confession was just a fad, but we are still investigating it," said Kompol Fathir.

In addition to the perpetrators, the police also secured evidence of the perpetrator's motorbike, 1 CCTV footage of the incident, 1 mobile phone of the perpetrator and the clothes used during the action.

"The perpetrators are charged with Article 289 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 9 years in prison," he concluded.

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