JAKARTA - The findings of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the city of Yogyakarta experienced a sharp increase earlier this week. The local government asked the public to return to discipline in carrying out health protocols after many activities returned to normal.
"Earlier this week, the increase in cases was quite high. There are several factors that could be the cause. It could be that health protocols are starting to be ignored," said Head of Disease Control and Management of Data and Information Systems at the Yogyakarta City Health Office, Lana Unwanah, Wednesday, July 20. quoted from Antara.
Based on data from corona.jogjakota.go.id, on Tuesday (19/7), in the city of Yogyakarta there were an additional 60 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 with nine patients declared cured without any patient dying. Thus, the total active cases were recorded at 110 cases.
The day before, Monday (18/7), additional positive confirmed cases in the city of Yogyakarta were also recorded in double digits, namely 23 cases.
In addition to health protocols that may be starting to be ignored, factors that can also trigger an increase in cases in the city of Yogyakarta are interactions and activities that return to normal as well as travel to and from outside the region.
Lana reminded the public to continue to carry out health protocols properly, including wearing masks to minimize the potential for contracting the virus.
Regarding the estimated increase in cases at the end of July to August, Lana said that she had anticipated, one of which was asking hospitals to be vigilant and to continue to provide isolation rooms.
The shelter for handling COVID-19 managed by the Yogyakarta City Government is also not closed.
"In addition, we are also collecting data on people who may not have received booster vaccinations because vaccination can contribute to case control," he said.
It is possible, Lana continued, the Yogyakarta City Government will re-open a booster vaccination center if there are many people in need.
“For now, vaccination services can be accessed at the nearest puskesmas. It's just that, it's not done every day because the number of people who access it is small," he said.
Previously, Yogyakarta City Secretary Aman Yuriadijaya said the government would maintain budget allocations for the needs of handling COVID-19.
"However, the current condition remains in the context of PPKM, there are still restrictions imposed," he said.
Various policies related to optimizing the use of the PeduliLindung application to enter shopping centers and public places, Aman continued, are expected to be complied with and the government will conduct cross-sectoral supervision.
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