JAKARTA - The President of Timor Leste, Jose Ramos Horta, visited the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 20.

The arrival of Ramos Horta was greeted directly by the General Chairperson (Ketum) of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf alias Gus Yahya and the Secretary General (Secretary General) of PBNU Saifullah Yusuf.

Based on observations, Ramos Horta wearing a brown batik suit and his entourage arrived at the PBNU Building at 09.05 WIB.

After greeting and shaking hands, Gus Yahya invited Ramos Horta to enter the PBNU Building.

Next, they will have a closed meeting. The results of the meeting will be presented to journalists at a press conference.

Earlier on Tuesday, July 19, based on an Antara report, Ramos Horta visited the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java. His visit was directly received by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

The presence of the President of Timor Leste at the Bogor Presidential Palace was greeted with a series of official state welcoming ceremonies.

The welcoming procession was followed by a state ceremony, namely the sounding of the national anthems of the two countries and the sound of 21 cannons. Then, the leaders of the two countries introduced their respective delegations who accompanied them.

After the reception, President Jokowi invited Ramos Horta to the Lotus Room to have a group photo session and sign the guest book.

Furthermore, President Jokowi invited President Horta to plant trees in the backyard of the Bogor Palace, before the two had a casual conversation on the veranda behind the Bogor Presidential Palace.

Furthermore, the two leaders held face-to-face meetings, bilateral meetings, witnessed the signing of the memorandum of understanding, and made joint press statements.

The procession to welcome President Jose Ramos Horta was closed by a state lunch.

Horta's visit to Indonesia is the first since being sworn in as President of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste on May 20, 2022 or coinciding with Timor Leste's Independence Day.

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