JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Provincial Government plans to prepare city transportation (angkot) specifically for female passengers. In response, the chairman of the DKI Jakarta Land Transport Organization (Organda), Shafruhan Sinungan, said that this was not necessary.

Because, according to Shafruhan, harassment cases in public transportation are rare events.

"There is no need for female-only angkot. This is actually a very rare occurrence on angkot. It's a bit weirder if you're in an angkot. If you're in an angkot, the person is too reckless," said Shafruhan when contacted, Wednesday, July 20.

However, the prevention of acts of sexual violence must be pursued. The most effective way, according to Shafruhan, is by attaching a sticker containing the harassment complaint number to the punishment that will ensnare the perpetrator.

In addition, transportation operators, both those managed by the DKI Provincial Government such as Mikrotrans, as well as regular operators will also disseminate complaints of harassment to the public.

"Later, a sticker number 112 will be attached, and at the same time we will state what kind of violation and sanctions are. We will also socialize it to the community. Thus, there will be psychological effects that will arise," explained Shafruhan.

"This is how to make all passengers feel safe and comfortable. That's why education is also needed there, education is needed for passengers. So we put stickers on, the stickers are being made by Dishub. Later, they will be affixed to all angkots, even to all existing public transportation. ," he continued.

Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that his party was considering a number of efforts to prevent sexual harassment on public transportation. One of them is the plan to procure city transportation (angkot) specifically for women.

This was done in response to a case of alleged sexual harassment on the M-44 angkot route Tebet-Kuningan some time ago.

"DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency will make comprehensive regulations for public transportation and public transportation in Jakarta, including further reviewing ideas related to angkot or microtrans specifically for women," said Syafrin to reporters, Wednesday, July 13.

In addition, Syafrin also requires every public transportation in Jakarta to put a sticker that displays the emergency number as a complaint of harassment, 112, in a place that is clearly visible to all passengers.

He continued, the DKI Provincial Government will also refine the current SOP regarding handling emergencies, to adapt to the needs of preventing and handling incidents of harassment, by prioritizing the protection of victims.

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