JAKARTA - The National Police stated that the autopsy process for Brigadier J alias Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat had been completed. The results of the autopsy will be submitted by the National Police together with the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).

"It's finished, we just have to wait for the delivery (the results of the autopsy, ed)," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Tuesday, July 19.

However, the two-star general did not specify when to submit the autopsy results of Brigadier J. However, he ensured that the autopsy results would be presented transparently in accordance with the direction of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

"Later, the results will be presented, perhaps together with Komnas HAM, so that they are transparent and objective," said Dedi.

Previously, the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Budhi Susianto, explained that Brigadier J's finger was severed and his eyelids were scratched due to gunshot wounds from Bharada E's firearm.

"So it's not because there are cuts or anything else, but I emphasize that all the wounds on Brigadier J's body are based on the results of the autopsy while they are from gunshot wounds," said Kombes Budhi.

"(So) the bullet that hit Brigadier J's finger itself then penetrated and hit other parts of the body," he continued

While the scratches on the eyelids, Budhi said he was reluctant to assume. The reason is that they are still waiting for the official results of the autopsy.

If the official results are out, he hopes it can be additional material to uncover the case.

"We don't want to assume. That earlier, we based on the results of the interim autopsy issued by the forensic doctor," he said.

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