SLEMAN - The Mount Merapi National Park (TNGM) will temporarily close natural attractions on the slopes of Mount Merapi starting on Sunday, November 8. The closure is related to the increase in the status of Mount Merapi from the alert level to the alert level since November 5.

"The temporary closure of this natural tourist attraction refers to a recommendation from BPPTKG Yogyakarta through a letter from the Head of BPPTKG dated November 5, 2020 Number 523/45 / BGV.KG / 2020 concerning the Improvement of the Status of Mount Merapi Activities from Waspada (level Il) to Alert (level III)," said the Head of the Pujiati TNGM Center in Sleman, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 8.

The decision to temporarily close was also the result of cross-sectoral coordination in the districts of Sleman, Magelang, Boyolali and Klaten.

"From this coordination, it was decided that all natural tourist objects in the TNGM area would be closed until the time limit would be determined after a review of the change in the status of Mount Merapi's activity," he said.

Natural tourism objects in the TNGM area that are temporarily closed include Tlogo Muncar and Tlogo Nirmolo, Kaliurang, Pakem, then Plunyon and Kalikuning, Cangkringan.

"The two tourist objects are included in the Sleman Regency," he said.

Pujiati said natural tourism objects in Magelang Regency include Jurang Jero, Srumbung. Meanwhile in Klaten Regency, namely Deles Indah, Kemaiang.

"In addition, the route for climbing Mount Merapi through Selo, Boyolali Regency and the route through Sapuangin, Klaten Regency are also temporarily closed," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Sleman Suci Regency Tourism Office Iriani Sinuraya said tourism destinations on the slopes of Mount Merapi such as the Kaliurang area and several destinations in the Cangkringan area apart from Klangon Hill, Kaliadem Bunker, Kinahrejo (Mbah Maridjan's petilasan), and Bukit Turgo Religious tourism, are open automatically. limited.

"Staying open with limited operations, what is meant is by continuing to implement the health protocol for preventing COVID-19, which includes the SOP for checking the body temperature of visitors, washing hands, wearing masks as well as limiting visitors to a maximum of 50 percent of the carrying capacity for conditioning to maintain visitor distance," he said.

According to him, managers of tourism destinations on the slopes of Merapi that are currently allowed to operate are asked to pay more attention to SOPs for destinations on the slopes of Mount Merapi related to anticipating emergency conditions by arranging parking for tourist vehicles facing exit access or evacuation routes.

"Tourists visiting the slopes of Merapi are also advised to remain vigilant and increase personal and family preparedness by paying attention to a safe distance from Merapi as far as 5 kilometers, which can be checked with the Distance Me and Merapi application," he said.

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