BANDUNG - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the West Java Police arrested two new suspects in the case of smuggling a 20-ton subsidized LPG (LPG) tanker truck in Subang Regency, West Java.

Deputy Director of the West Java Police Special Criminal Investigation AKBP Roland Ronaldy said the two new suspects had the initials DS and AF, who played a role in running the tanker truck. With the capture of DS and AF. There are now a total of four suspects in the case.

"So it was from them that the goods or LPG were obtained, and from their information the LPG truck that was supposed to be sent from Indramayu to Majalengka, was diverted to Subang," said Roland at the West Java Police, Bandung City, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 18.

According to him, the two new suspects in charge of running the tanker truck work for PT ER, which is one of the vendor companies that operates PT Pertamina's tanker truck.

The two suspects took the truck to the crime scene (TKP) in the Patokbeusi area, Subang Regency. At that location, the subsidized LPG from the tanker truck was transferred to 50 kilogram cylinders allegedly to be sold at a non-subsidized price.

Previously, the disclosure of the case was carried out by the Ditreskrimsus of the West Java Police on Thursday (14/7) in the morning. During the raid, the police arrested a man with the initials TA (42) who was in charge of the location. From the development carried out, now there are three other suspects who have also been arrested, namely MH who acts as the foreman, DS, and AF.

In addition to saving the distribution of subsidized LPG, he said, the disclosure saved the community around the TKP from harm because the transfer of LPG from a 20-ton tanker truck was not in accordance with procedures. According to him, the LPG tanks and canisters at the location have the potential to explode.

"Only using a generator at the pump, and that is very dangerous for the surrounding community because there is a very high potential for the tank to explode," said Roland.

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