JAKARTA - The family of Brigadier Nopriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J asked the Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, to be removed from his position. The attorney from Brigadier J's family has also reported the alleged premeditated murder to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

The report on the alleged premeditated murder was carried out because the family's attorney found evidence of several slashes on the body of Brigadier J. In addition, bruises and gaping wounds were found on the body of the aide to the Propam Head of Division.

In response, member of the House of Representatives Commission III Nasir Djamil, assessed that the deactivation of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo from his position as Head of the Propam Police Division was unnecessary. Because, according to him, the Bhayangkara Corps does not work based on likes or dislikes in a case disclosure.

"In my personal opinion, there is no need for deactivation. As far as I know the Police work based on a system, not using the 'like or dislike' method," Nasir told VOI, Monday, July 18.

According to Nasir, the absence of the deactivation of the Head of the Propam Division is a test challenge for the Police to work and resolve the police shooting case in a transparent and fair manner. Mainly under the command of the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

"In fact, without the deactivation, we know that transparency and justice are being severely tested in this case. The National Police Chief General Sigit is the holder and controller of every incident involving members of the National Police, both ethical and criminal violations," explained the PKS politician.

The Aceh electoral district legislator also questioned the findings in the form of cuts on the victim's body. Do not let, said Nasir, the findings become wild speculation.

"Who found and stated that there were many wounds on the victim's body? I thought that this case should be purely a legal matter and not politicized for the benefit of individuals," said Nasir.

If there must be deactivation, Nasir will hand over the authority to the National Police Chief. He hopes that the public will trust the Police, who are currently working to uncover the case until it becomes clear.

"There is a request from the victim's family to deactivate the Propam Kadiv, so I leave it entirely to the National Police Chief," said Nasir.

"I hope that the public will give confidence to the National Police Chief who has opened himself up by forming an internal team chaired by the Deputy Chief of Police," he concluded.

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