SANGIHE - The Sangihe Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) still prohibits residents from approaching the mountain crater with the status of Mount Awu in the Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi, still at level III (alert).

"From May 2022 until now Mount Awu is still on alert level III and residents continue to carry out their normal activities but are not allowed to approach the mountain kawa", said Head of the Sangihe BPBD, Wandu Labesi in Tahuna, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 18.

According to him, virtually, Mount Api is covered by fog 0-II until it is covered in Fog 0-III. Zero crater smoke. The weather is cloudy to rainy, the wind is weak to moderate to the northeast. There was one shallow volcanic earthquake with an amplitude of 40 mm, and the duration of the earthquake was 13 seconds.

Two deep volcanic earthquakes with an amplitude of 12-16 mm, SP 0.5 seconds, and an earthquake duration of 10-15 seconds. In two distant tectonic earthquakes with an amplitude of 6-7 mm, SP was not observed and the duration of the earthquake was 40-65 seconds.

However, he said, BPBD still urges the public and visitors or tourists not to approach and move within a 3.5-kilometer radius from the crater of the peak of Mount Awu.

People are still prohibited from doing activities within a 3.5-kilometer radius from the crater of Mount Awu and remain calm, not provoked by rumors about the activities of Mount Awu that cannot be justified.

"The community is expected to continue to follow directions from the local government through the Regional Disaster Management Agency for the Sangihe Islands Regency", he said.

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