Bareskrim Only Accepts Reports Of Alleged Premeditated Murder Of Brigadier J But Rejects Hacking
The attorney for Brigadier J's family, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak (Rizky AP/VOI)

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police has only received one of the two reporting materials from the family of Brigadier J alias Nopryansah Yosua Hutabara. Reports received regarding premeditated murder.

"Our reports have been received for Articles 340, 338 and 351 of the Criminal Code," said Brigadier J's family attorney, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak to reporters, Monday, July 18.

Reports regarding the alleged premeditated murder are registered in the number LP/B/0386/VII/2022/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI, dated July 18. In that report, the reported party is still under investigation.

In addition, another attorney for Brigadier J's family, Johnson Panjaitan, said that the report regarding the alleged hack had not yet been received. This is because the police consider that there is insufficient evidence attached.

According to him, one of the evidences that must be met is photo evidence and a hacked cell phone. So, in the near future this deficiency will be completed.

"They asked for the hacked person to have a photo and also the hacked cellphone," said Johnson.

Previously, Johnson said that he had prepared evidence and witnesses to be attached to reporting the alleged premeditated murder of Brigadier J.

From some of the evidence, including videos and pictures or screenshots of the cuts on the body of Brigadier J.

"We have compiled both witnesses and victims, as well as documentary evidence that we have prepared," said Johnson.

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