JAKARTA - Iraqi security forces killed an anti-government protester using tin bullets. Another 40 people were injured in Basra, the southern city, on Friday, November 6.

Security sources and rights officials said it was the first killing of a protester by security forces in Basra since Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi took office in May.

The Iraqi interior ministry confirmed the death but said Iraqi security forces were not allowed to use weapons against demonstrators and it was investigating the incident.

Deadly upheaval has been rare since protests against Iraq's ruling elite and demanding jobs and services were severely reduced earlier this year.

During several months of anti-government protests that erupted under PM Adel Abdul Mahdi in October 2019, more than 500 people were killed, mostly unarmed young protesters.

Security source Basra and human rights officials said several dozen protesters took to the streets of the country's southern oil hub on Friday demanding basic jobs and services.

They were angry that Kadhimi had generally failed to address the two issues and that protest camps had been cleared by security forces in Basra and Baghdad, human rights officials said.

Kadhimi, who visited Basra on Thursday to explore energy projects and meet provincial officials, pledged to protect Iraqi protesters without violence and provide justice for the families of those killed last year by security forces and unidentified gunmen.

Security forces in Baghdad were ordered last month not to use lead bullets in handling protests celebrating the anniversary of the 2019 demonstrations.

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