JAKARTA - The alley behind the Surabaya City Hall, East Java, is currently under the attention of Mayor Eri Cahyadi. The reason is, the hallway that used to look beautiful, shady and green, is currently in poor condition.

"When I was the Head of the Cipta Karya Service, the hallway was good. In fact, it used to be a rival to the building next door, it was good," said Eri, quoted by Antara, Sunday, July 17.

For that, he said, his party asked the Surabaya Environment Service (DLH) to tidy up the plants that propagate along the alley.

Eri also asked to check the decorative lights along the hallway. In addition, the trash cans and flower pots along the road have been rearranged to make them look beautiful and green.

Not only that, when he saw a green open space in front of the Surabaya Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD), Mayor Eri asked DLH to create a park in that place.

His party also asked for a number of towering trees to be moved to another place, and in that place, replaced with short plants and beautiful flowers.

"Please just make a garden so it's greener, just replace the trees like Tabebuya trees, so they look good and look beautiful," he said.

Eri said that the city of Surabaya is the city of Adipura which has received the award many times, so he asked his subordinates to always maintain the cleanliness and beauty of Surabaya.

"I teach residents to clean up so it's good, why in the city government itself, many plants are dead and dry. Yes, they have to be watered regularly, cut when they're dry so they look beautiful and green," he said.

Eri repeatedly said that when asking others to look clean and beautiful, the government must set an example first.

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