JAKARTA - German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas urged the two candidates for the Presidential Election (Pilpres) of the United States (US) not to act until the vote count was complete. According to him, the behavior of Donald Trump and his competitor, Joe Biden, was considered irresponsible and only made things worse.

“America is more than just a one-man show. Anyone who keeps pouring oil on the fire in a situation like this is acting irresponsibly, "Maas said was quoted by Reuters on Friday, November 6.

"Now is the time to remain calm until an independently determined result is available," he added.

Between the two candidates, Maas focused his criticism on President Trump. Trump's behavior, from his early victory declaration, to launching lawsuits against his rival, Joe Biden, created tensions in several states. According to Maas, this could damage democracy.

"In order for the results - which have not yet been determined - to be accepted, everyone must exercise restraint first. That includes us. Deserving losers are more important for the functioning of democracy than brilliant winners," he concluded.

Therefore, Maas hopes that the two sides should work together so that political divisions can be avoided. It is none other than so that after the election, whoever the winner, the US can return to the international stage with full energy.

"The world needs the US as a power to rule, not as a factor of chaos," he concluded.

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