JAKARTA - Chinese authorities are still investigating the outbreak of a new disease caused by the corona virus. The virus outbreak is even reported to have spread to more cities in China, with the number of patients reported to have tripled more, after three patients with this virus died.

Daxing's health service, Beijing, said that it had two cases of the corona virus in its area. Meanwhile, the Southern Guangdong Province health department confirmed one case in Shenzhen. The first case of the Corona virus in China was originally found in the city of Wuhan.

Quoted from Reuters, the Wuhan Municipal Health Service said 136 new cases of pneumonia caused by a new type of corona virus were discovered in the city at the end of last week. The third death occurred on Saturday 18 January.

A report by London Imperial College's MRC Center for Global Infectious Diseases Analysis, estimates that since January 12, 2020 there have been 1,723 cases of the coronavirus in Wuhan City. Regarding these findings, China's health authorities have not directly commented on the report.

The outbreak of the corona case has raised concerns in other countries, including countries in Asia and the United States. This is because there are 2 cases of the corona virus in Thailand and one case in Japan. Therefore, it was carried out for examinations of people who had just traveled from Wuhan City.

Similar to the SARS Virus?

The virus that is currently spreading in China belongs to the coronavirus family, together with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which killed nearly 800 people globally during 2002-2003. The SARS outbreak at that time also broke out for the first time in China.

Symptoms of people with corona virus include fever and difficulty breathing, similar to symptoms of respiratory illnesses in general. Various preventive efforts have also been made by the Chinese National Health Service so that this virus does not spread widely.

This virus has also made shares of pharmaceutical companies and mask makers in China soar as people are worried about being exposed to the virus and are buying masks in droves.

The coronavirus outbreak has become one of the trending topics on the Chinese social media platform Weibo, where many users have expressed concern about their safety.

"Who knows how many people who have been to Wuhan may not be aware that they have been infected ?," said one Chinese netizen.

An official newspaper belonging to the Communist Party, said that the government must disclose all information and not repeat mistakes made when the SARS outbreak broke out. As the SARS outbreak began to spread, the Chinese government covered the outbreak for weeks before the death toll increased and only revealed the outbreak after the death toll had soared.

"Hiding (the coronavirus case) will be a serious blow to the credibility of the government and possibly trigger even greater social panic," the newspaper was quoted as saying.

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