SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government has responded to the determination of the status of a suspect by the local District Attorney's Office against FE, a high-ranking Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) official who sold confiscated goods or control results worth hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, Armuji, in Surabaya, East Java, Friday, July 15, said for the apparatus State civil servants (ASN) who are found guilty of being involved in a criminal case will certainly be dismissed or dismissed dishonorably.

"One hundred percent were dismissed and dismissed with disrespect", said Armuji.

It is suspected that selling the control items in the Surabaya Satpol PP control warehouse at Tanjung Sari Baru Street 11-15, Sukamanunggal District, Surabaya, did not comply with the procedure. If converted into rupiah, the results of the Satpol PP control items sold are worth hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Cak Ji, Armuji's nickname, explained that the regulations that bind the state civil apparatus (ASN) are clear. This is stated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants.

In the Government Regulation it is stated that whoever is involved in embezzlement, theft, selling goods, whether movable or immovable, state property for personal gain, there is a sanction.

"That is included in the severe disciplinary punishment", he said.

For this reason, the former chairman of the Surabaya Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) for two terms said the Surabaya City Government would shortly submit a letter to the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs regarding the revocation of the status of ASN suspect FE.

"We will coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs because the Decree is from there. The City Government will soon file a disrespectful dismissal of FE. He was proven involved in embezzling Surabaya City Government property," he said.

Cak Ji appealed to all ASN in the Surabaya City Government to be more careful. He asked that a similar incident not be repeated in the future.

However, he said, ASN is prohibited from illegally possessing, selling, buying, mortgaging, renting, or lending movable or immovable goods, documents, or securities belonging to the state.

"ASNs must introspect themselves. Anything that does not belong to them, especially to the state, should never have the desire to transfer and turn them into money. Because that is a violation", said Cak Ji.

It is known that the Surabaya District Attorney (Kejari) has officially named a high-ranking ASN Satpol PP Surabaya City with the initials FE as a suspect in a criminal act of corruption. FE is suspected of selling evidence from the control of the Surabaya Satpol PP.

The determination of the suspect is stated in the Warrant Number: Print-05/M.5.10/Fd.1/07/2022 dated July 13, 2022.

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