JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) provides psychosocial assistance to a victim of sexual violence and her family in Jombang, East Java. "Psychosocial assistance is prepared by LPSK itself. This model provides convenience and benefits for survivors who are protected by LPSK," said Deputy Chairman of LPSK Antonius PS Wibowo in a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, July 14. The process of psychosocial assistance, he continued, could be faster because it was decided by LPSK and adjusted to the needs of the victim. As a form of economic recovery for victims and their families, LPSK also provides assistance in the form of sewing machines so that the wheels of their economy can continue to run. In general, the case of sexual violence in Jombang with the perpetrator who is the victim's biological father has been sentenced by the Jombang Court Judges to 16 years in prison. , from the initial demand of 18 years in prison by the public prosecutor. "In percentage terms, this prison sentence is high and has reached its maximum," he said.

In addition, he said that in the future LPSK needs to think about a special budget for the fulfillment of psychosocial assistance for victims. He also hopes that the criminal verdict of the panel of judges for cases of similar sexual violence can be maximized. The same thing is also expected to happen in the scope of educational institutions such as the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School in Jombang and the Indonesian Good Morning School (SPI) Batu. According to him, there are several similarities in cases of sexual violence in Indonesia. Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah Jombang and SPI Batu School, namely the incident occurred repeatedly with the victim still a child. Another similarity, he continued, is the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim with a power relationship. In the case of sexual violence at the Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah Jombang and the SPI Batu School, the power relationship is between educators and students. "Why do you need severe punishment? Because when the government is at war with sexual violence, there are many similar cases that occur," he said.

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