JAKARTA - The police arrested one of the two perpetrators suspected of carrying out a violent robbery that caused the victim to die on Kebon Bawang Street, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Wednesday, July 13, evening.
"We have secured one of the perpetrators in less than 12 hours from the report we received," Bryan said when confirmed, Thursday, July 14.
On that occasion, Bryan explained that the first incident occurred when the victim had just arrived from his hometown of Kuningan, West Java, to his boarding house in North Jakarta.
"The door to the victim's boarding house has not been opened yet, so the victim is waiting to sit down while playing with his cellphone, in the area around his boarding house the perpetrators come," he said.
The victim fled while holding his cell phone. But in the end, the victim was stabbed by one of the perpetrators.
"To defend. After that, the perpetrators were chased and there was persecution by the perpetrators," he continued.
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Bryan said the victim died at the Kramatjati Police Hospital. The results of an external autopsy, the police found the victim dead with a number of stab wounds on his body.
"The condition of the victim is dead and an external autopsy has been carried out and the family has been buried," he said.
On the other hand, the police are also pursuing another perpetrator who is still at large.
"Other perpetrators are still in the pursuit and development stage to find the whereabouts of other perpetrators. Later if there are developments, we will update the information again," he concluded.
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