Considered Disturbing Comfort And Order, Police Destroy 800 <i>Brong</i> Exhausts Result Of Patuh Candi Operation 2022
Police officers destroy the brong exhaust from Patuh Candi Operation/Photo: Doc. Police

BANYUMAS - Banyumas Police carried out the destruction of 800 non-standard exhausts or brong exhausts. The action was carried out by joint officers from the Banyumas Police and the ranks of the Banyumas Police in their respective areas during the 2022 Patuh Candi Operation which was carried out on 13-26 June 2022.

Banyumas Police Chief Grand Commissioner Pol Edy Suranta Sitepu said this raid was carried out in order to control motorized vehicles with exhaust or noise that did not meet specifications (standard exhaust).

"The raid is focused on users of the brong exhaust because apart from being noisy and disturbing hearing, the brong exhaust can also disturb people in the time of worship, cause accidents and inconvenience to other motorists," said the Banyumas Police Chief in a written statement, Wednesday, July 13.

Meanwhile, Banyumas Traffic Police Chief, Commissioner Bobby Anugrah Rachman said that his party had carried out this raid activity since the 2022 Patuh Candi Operation started on June 13-26, 2022.

"So far we have taken action against 1500 violators and 800 of them are violators specifically for brong exhaust", he said.

The head unit then added that in the exhaust raid, joint officers conducted an examination of non-standard vehicles and issued a ticket, and then brought evidence to the Banyumas Police Traffic Unit office.

"We give fines for violators and after the trial, the violators can take evidence of the brong exhaust vehicle, then they are required to replace it with a standard exhaust and destroy the brong exhaust so that it is not reused," explained the Head of Traffic.

In addition to conducting raids, officers also invite and appeal to the public to follow and comply with traffic regulations and not to use the exhaust because it is very disturbing to comfortness and order.

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