JAKARTA - The President's examination of the charity Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Ibnu Khajar has not yet been completed. However, the inquiry process has been going on for seven hours.

Originally, Ibn Khajar started his examination at around 15.30. Because, he arrived at the Criminal Investigation Police at 15.20 WIB.

Head of Sub-Directorate 4 of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Bareskrim Kombes Andri Sudarmaji said the investigation was still ongoing. Investigators are still exploring several things related to the alleged misappropriation of aid funds.

"It's still being investigated," said Andri when confirmed, Wednesday, July 13.

The inspection is likely to take a long time. This is because investigators are studying the use of aid funds, which is the subject matter of the case.

"It's been to the core material such as the use of funds and others," said Andri.

Ibn Khajar fulfilled the summons for examination for the fourth time in a row.

When he arrived, Ibn did not comment. However, he appears to be carrying a large gray suitcase. I don't know what's in the suitcase.

Ibn Khajar's attorney, Wida, who was mentioned about the large suitcase, was also reluctant to explain what was inside. It's just to say all of that is related to the inspection process.

"Yes, for a definite examination," said Wida.

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