JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, assessed that the proposed merging of Jakarta and its surroundings into Greater Jakarta submitted by the Mayor of Depok, Mohammad Idris, could overcome systemic problems.

"I think this is an interesting proposal for us to discuss further," Anggara said in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 13.

So far, policy integration has been a problem. "In fact, Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) are a unitary megapolitan area whose problems are interrelated," he said.

Although it could be a solution to overcome systemic problems such as congestion, flooding and waste management, he said, this proposal must be discussed comprehensively.

"Obviously, to realize this proposal requires a long and thorough discussion. The legal aspects must also be considered," he said.

He encouraged the Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) to initiate many discussions regarding this matter. "Because we are the center of the economy," he said.

Anggara assessed that the formulation of the idea of Jabodetabek after the transfer of the State Capital should be initiated by the local government from now on regardless of who holds the authority.

"The idea must be discussed between the Jabodetabek regional governments from now on, because the regional governments who understand the problem best are the regional governments, even though the authority for changes is in the center," said Anggara.

Previously, Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris suggested that the suburbs of Jakarta be merged into Greater Jakarta.

"My idea is that if you want the development of Jakarta and its surroundings to be successful, unite Greater Jakarta," said Mohammad Idris after reviewing the slaughtering of sacrifices on Jalan H Icang, Tugu Village, Cimanggis, Sunday (10/7).

According to Idris, the problems that exist in the Jakarta buffer zone can be easily resolved if the areas are merged. He also mentioned the role of a governor for the merging of the region.

"The flood problem, what problem can all be solved. If one governor is Greater Jakarta," he said, also confirming that Depok wanted to enter Jakarta.

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