JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the West Jakarta District Court sentenced celebrity Vanessa Angel to three months in prison for the possession of xanax psychotropic substances.

"Sentenced Vanessa Adzania to three months imprisonment with a fine of Rp. 10 million subsidiary to one month," said Chief Judge Setyanto Hermawan when reading the verdict, reported by Antara, Thursday, November 5.

The period of detention will be reduced from his detention period starting April 9 by the West Jakarta Metro Police, to his detention period while serving as a city detainee.

One day of imprisonment in prison converts to five days of city arrest. Meanwhile, evidence in the form of xanax psychotropic pills will be confiscated to be destroyed.

After hearing the verdict, Vanessa Angel is still considering whether to accept or decide to appeal to the High Court.

"Think about it, Your Majesty," said Vanessa.

Previously, Vanessa Angel was sentenced to six months in prison by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) at the West Jakarta District Court.

"The six-month charge with a fine of Rp10 million, a subsidiary of three months in prison," said Head of Intelligence at the West Jakarta District Attorney, Edwin Beslar.

The prosecutor found Vanessa Angel guilty of possession of psychotropic substances in the form of 20 xanax pills that she had obtained by prescription from an expired doctor.

Vanessa violated Article 62 of Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics in conjunction with Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 49 of 2018 concerning Changes in the Classification of Psychotropics in the Appendix to Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics.

The prosecutor stated that he did not find anything that could erase the defendant's guilt, both justification and excuse.

What is burdensome for Vanessa Angel's demands is that she does not support government programs in the eradication of psychotropic abuse.

In addition, Vanessa has also been convicted of other criminal cases.

Meanwhile, the mitigating reason is Vanessa, a mother with a three month old child who still needs exclusive breast milk (ASI) as well as love and assistance.

The prosecutor in the trial of the celebrity indictment Vanessa Angel said that the xanax type of psychotropic prescription in the celebrity's hand became evidence so that he was caught in the realm of law.

"There was a prescription sheet for Puri Cinere Hospital dated December 7, 2018 by Doctor Maxwadi Maas in the form of 20 points of Alganax (xanax). The original recipe was still found by the police in the hands of the defendant," said the Public Prosecutor, Edwin Beslar, at the West Jakarta District Court. .

Anti-depressant prescriptions are obtained officially. However, the problem is, the psychotropic prescription cannot be controlled by the patient after being redeemed and must be detained by the pharmacy to avoid abuse.

"If the defendant received a prescription drug, the prescription would be detained or kept by the pharmacy and reported to BPOM through the narcotics and psychotropic reporting system application (Sipnap). However, in reality the prescription was still with the defendant at the time of his arrest," said the prosecutor.

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