JAKARTA - Minister of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa has filed for divorce from his second wife, who is a member of the DPR RI from the PPP faction, Nurhayati Effendi some time ago.

However, in fact Nurhayati filed an appeal to the Jakarta High Religious Court. The appeal hearing was held today, Monday, July 11.

"It's true, the appeal is filed on June 2, registration is on July 6, and the first trial is on July 11 or today," said the Junior Registrar of Appeals at the Jakarta High Religious Court, Aday when confirmed, Monday, July 11.

Aday said that at this appeal hearing, neither the defendant nor the plaintiff were present. The trial only takes place by examining files and deliberation, then the results will go to the South Jakarta (South Jakarta) Religious Court.

"Checking the files, after the deliberation, the verdict will be read out on another day. It could be up to two or three trials, the results will come out and will go to the South Jakarta Religious Court," he said.

The case is registered at the Jakarta High Religious Court under number 127/Pdt.G/2022/PTA.JK.

Previously, Suharso filed for divorce from his wife to the South Jakarta Religious Court on January 31, 2022. The case was registered at the South Jakarta Religious Court with number 568/ptg/2022/PJS dated January 31, 2022 ago.

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