JAKARTA - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA) Muhammad Syarifuddin reminded every judicial leader at the appellate level to be sensitive and concerned about every incoming report and complaint.

"Whether it's a complaint related to discipline or a violation of the code of ethics that has the potential to damage the good name and honor of the court," said Chief Justice Muhammad Syarifuddin during the taking of the oath of office and the inauguration of the Head of the Main Military Court (Kadimilti) I Medan Colonel Tuty Kiptiani which was broadcast on the YouTube channel. BETWEEN, Monday, July 11th.

Muhammad Syarifuddin said not to let the things that have been built and achieved by the judiciary be damaged by a handful of irresponsible people.

Therefore, the appellate court as the front guard for the Supreme Court must be able to carry out its supervisory function over the judiciary under it.

"This includes carrying out a coaching function for all apparatus within the judiciary," he said.

Syarifuddin congratulated Marine Colonel Tuty Kiptiani as Kadimilti I Medan. It is hoped that the experience while serving as a military judge at the first level and at the appellate level can be used as capital for higher judicial institutions.

He said that before being elected and inaugurated as Kadimilti I Medan, Marine Colonel Tuty Kiptiani went through a number of strict, transparent and accountable selection processes.

In general, the selection of quality leaders in the judicial environment is stated in the vision and mission contained in the 2010-2035 Supreme Court blueprint, especially on the third point, namely improving the quality of judicial leadership.

To realize this mission, the Supreme Court took concrete steps, including fit and proper tests by involving internal and external elements, to providing education, training and leadership for prospective judges.

"Nevertheless, the Supreme Court realizes that producing quality leaders is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand," he said.

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