JAKARTA - The presidential election (pilpres) in the United States (US) has a major influence on the Indonesian economy. For one thing, Indonesia is a trading partner of the US. Currently, both Republican candidates Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden are competing for the most votes.

Senior economist Faisal Basri admitted that he would prefer Donald Trump to be re-elected as US President. Although, Trump's figure is considered controversial, his policies actually benefit Indonesia a lot.

"If Donald Trump wins, it will be more profitable for Indonesia. Based on experience, yes. If the Republican Party works as a stimulus to print money, so that the US dollar drops. The rupiah strengthens without us trying," he said in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, November 4.

Meanwhile, said Faisal, if Biden is elected who is a candidate from the Democratic Party, it will complicate Indonesia's position. According to Faisal, the Democratic Party's policies tend to hold or reduce the deficit experienced by the US.

Then, continued Faisal, the Democratic Party prefers to raise taxes for the middle class in the US. This policy is indeed beneficial for the US. But not for Indonesia.

"There will be straigthtening the US dollar, because the deficit has decreased, what will the result be? The rupiah is weakening," he said.

Faisal also reminded that Indonesia has bad memories regarding the leadership of the US President who came from the Democratic Party. Therefore, he judged, it would be better if Trump won.

"Remember not when Pak Harto fell as president of the Democratic Party. Do you remember? For the Republican Party which is important for business. The oil company was asked to be given facilities, the Freeport should not be disturbed, and the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) was given," he said.

As is well known, until now market players are still waiting for certainty about the direction of US policy going forward. The reason is, this superpower has a big impact on the economies of various countries around the world, including Indonesia.

Based on the realization of the trade balance last September, the US has become the second destination country for Indonesia's non-oil and gas exports, with a value of US $ 1.69 billion. As for imports, the US was only behind China and Singapore, with a value of US $ 607.4 million.

Thus, the victory between Joe Biden, or the incumbent, Donald Trump, is eagerly awaited by many domestic parties.

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