JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police revealed new facts about the case of abuse that led to the death of a man in a narrow alley on Jalan Krendang Utara Raya, Krendang, Tambora, West Jakarta, Tuesday, July 5. The victim with the initials SM (49) died at a location that is often used as a place for drug transactions.

West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKBP Joko Dwi Harsono said that so far his party had arrested four perpetrators. They are still searching for the other perpetrators.

"We are still looking for four other DPO perpetrators. Including the perpetrators who stabbed the victim," said AKBP Joko Dwi Harsono, Friday, July 8.

The four perpetrators who have been arrested are DP alias D, AB alias D, A alias R, and J. While the other perpetrators are still hidden.

Joko explained that the perpetrators, totaling 8 people, were friends with the victim. They, continued Joko, were drug dealers. However, recently there was a commotion between the victim and the perpetrator. Joko said, the conflict was triggered after the perpetrators considered the victim to be providing information (informance) to the police regarding narcotics trafficking.

"The perpetrators suspect that the victim reported or informed the police," said Joko.

That assumption finally made the perpetrators express their frustration with the victim. The perpetrators violently abused the victim to death. The victim suffered injuries to the ear until it penetrated the part of the brain.

"On this allegation, the victim was then killed by his own colleagues," Joko continued.

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