AMBON - The Ambon Class 1 Syahbandar and Port Authority (KSOP) office has postponed the voyage of an inter-island ship due to bad weather that hit Maluku Province
Head of the Safety Section for Drivering and Shipping Patrol KSOP Ambon Rahman said KSOP had postponed the shipping activities of KM Cantika on the Southwest Maluku (MBD) route, because the sea weather conditions were very bad.
"We have postponed one ship, namely KM Cantika, since last Wednesday, given the bad sea conditions to sail," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, July 8.
He explained that the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued early warnings for high waves of up to 4 meters, which could potentially occur in several areas of Maluku waters.
Waves as high as 1.25 -2.50 meters (central) also have the opportunity to occur in the Seram Sea, Ambon waters, Lease Islands, southern waters of Seram Island, West Banda sea, eastern Banda sea, Sermata Islands waters - Leti, Babar archipelago waters. Tanimbar, the waters of the Kai, Aru islands and the Arafuru sea.
Meanwhile, high waves of 2.5 to 4 meters are likely to occur in the waters of Buru Island and the western Banda Sea.
The shipping warning is based on weather developments from the BMKG Ambon Maritime Meteorological Station and continues to be updated every day. Weather development data from the BMKG periodically is always conveyed for shipping and flights.
Office of Public Relations and Port Authority (KSOP) Ternate, North Maluku (Malut)
His party appealed to pioneering ships to pay attention to weather conditions and ensure whether they could sail or not.
"KSOP only warns to be a common concern to be aware of shipping safety," he said.
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