JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Ardian Putra, said that Cyber Contacts actively provide notifications and recommendations for websites belonging to government institutions at the center and regions. "With this activity, it is hoped that central and regional agencies will receive early warnings from attacks leading to and sourced from the assets they have," he said, in Jakarta, Friday, July 8. He continued, BSSN has issued BSSN Regulation Number 4/2021 concerning Guidelines for Information Security Management of Electronic and Technical Standard-Based Government Systems, and Electronic-Based Government System Security Procedures.

Guidelines for system security governance can be a guide for electronic system operators in the government sector, to ensure the security and reliability of the system. In addition, BSSN oversees traffic anomalies that enter and are sourced from Indonesia. "Laporan Annual Monitoring of Cybersecurity noted that the number of traffic anomalies indicated as cyber attacks throughout 2021 was 1,637,973022 traffic anomalies," he said.

He said the forms of surveillance were to anticipate that government-owned sites were compromised with online gambling charges. "There are critical vulnerabilities in government-owned sites that can trigger hackers to attack sites they are targeting," he said.

He explained that the modus operandi of hacking government-owned sites for online gambling charges was in the form of promotions with financial motivation. "For the way it is done is to add a new page of websites that are used as online gambling pages," he said. He explained that hackers use government sites that are often accessed by the public, because they can raise advertising ratings.

BSSN found at least 291 URLs (situs web) indicated to be used for online gambling sites, dominated by the university sector as many as 68 sites. There are 38 school-owned sites and 37 government sectors. Other sectors are community organizations, insurance companies, private cooperatives, construction service companies, drug stores, and tax consultant services.

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